The ethical approach I take to my creative practice is based on the key principles of care and openness:


Commitment to care in the way I make work:

  • Care for myself – practising in a mindful, considered and integrated way that is consistent with my own needs and values.

  • Care for the people and issues that I choose to depict or represent. This obliges me to approach people with sensitivity and compassion, respecting their right to refuse to participate at any time. It also obliges me to approach issues with the requisite preparation and research to avoid causing unintended offence.

  • Consideration of the potential harms of my practice, both generally and in specific instances, and proactively seeking to mitigate this harm by altering my approach, or declining to proceed, as appropriate.

  • Commitment to collaboration where possible, accepting that true collaboration may actually be to simply empower someone else to tell their own story and supporting them in a practical, or institutional, way to do so.


Commitment to being open to change:

  • Accepting that ethical practice is not static, but rather a work in progress as I continually learn, reflect and respond to new information and experiences.

  • Being willing to engage in discussions about the ethics of creative practice and my own ethical approach.

  • Being willing to self-evaluate in response to fair questions or challenge about the way I practice.